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Monday, April 19, 2010

Simple Words. Big Meaning.

We have been visiting my parents in Kansas for a week now.
Just the kids & I.
I never thought I would love it so much here but it has been one of the greatest experiences.
I have no responsibilities to clean the house, do any of the things that have a way of taking over my calendar & consuming my life for days on end.  No work to worry about.
The only job I have had for a week is enjoying time with our kids.  And watching my parents enjoy time with them too.
We have visited some really fun places & I have to say that it is one of the most kid friendly cities I’ve been to. 
Hallmark is located here & provides an opportunity for kids of all ages to be entertained.  We played.  We made puzzles.  We did art projects with recycled materials from Hallmark. 
On the way in to play, there were banners hanging on the pillars outside.

Simply stated….they revealed the whole purpose for our trip.

Laugh.  Celebrate.  Connect.

And I thought it was ironic that I was so drawn to these beautiful words as they symbolized the reason we are here.  And not just here in Kansas but here…right now….wherever you are…in this time & place.

Did I laugh today?  Yes!  At myself.  At my parents.  At my kids being silly.  At the fact that even with a Garmin we still didn’t know we were going. 
Did I celebrate today?  Absolutely!  It was a gorgeous day.  I was at peace today.  Nothing providing turmoil or strain to my soul.  Just pure peace.  And that’s a really good thing no matter where you are!  I celebrated the gorgeous green rolling hills.  (yes, there are hills in Kansas).  The cherry blossom trees in their splendor.  The opportunity to play with the kids.  Have lunch with them.  Just BE….with them & my parents.
Did I connect today?  On many levels.  I visited with a friend that I haven’t seen for a really long time.  One that has walked with me through the death of my first husband.  Who is not someone I talk to all the time but miles & time don’t matter when it comes to our friendship.  It is lovely when you connect with someone like that. 

And I think to myself, ‘wow, if the only goal of every day was laughter, celebration & connectedness…..what a different world we would live in’.  Even if some days, we just focused on one….that would change a few lives in the process as well.

So I am thankful for today.  For what it brought to me.  The gift that I got to unwrap.  And I can rest tonight knowing that I did what I was meant to do today.  To celebrate the life that God gave me for this day.

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