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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Faith like a child

When I went to church as a little girl, we ALWAYS wore dresses.
It was a sign of respect.

Off I would go.
Blonde hair in pigtails.
Beautiful dress.
Shiny white shoes.
And, an eager heart to learn about God’s love for me.
We sang songs to help us remember verses.
We would make caterpillars out of colorful pom-poms.
Color pictures of Jesus & sheep & the Ark & the Cross.
And my little heart would get so excited when Vacation Bible School would be approaching.

Many a Sunday has passed since I’ve worn pigtails in my hair.
And now, my refrigerator is the proud owner of my own children’s latest glittered rendition of The Last Supper.
My ears are blessed to hear THEM sing Jesus Loves Me.  (There is NO Top-40 artist in the world that could top those 3 sweet innocent voices singing that.)

And the questions from our daughter start to be asked.

Where does Jesus live?
Why can’t we see Him?
If people don’t love Jesus they will die like Goliath, right?

I don’t have all the answers.  Even for a 4-year-old.  I can’t answer everything that she asks so that it will make sense to her.  How could I?  Sometimes it’s doesn’t make sense to ME.

Somehow she got the idea that Jesus stands outside of her door at night & watches over her.  My first thought was how scary that would be for her to think that there is this man standing in the hall.  No wonder she calls for me every time she goes to the bathroom.

And then with the sweetest voice, the other week, she told me that if Jesus got hungry that he could go downstairs & have something to eat.

So I will walk with her, in her innocence, through this world.  And we will learn together.  And like a child, I will seek Him, with a heart wide open.  Asking questions that I don’t know the answers to.  Taking in the miracles that only He can provide.  And living in the reassurance every day, when I hear them sing.  That He does love me.  With a never-ending, all-consuming love!

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